Writing Roam Books
A step-by-step guide to outline, write, edit, market, and publish your first Roam Book, by the pioneer of the format and 7-times author Luca Dellanna.
Course content
Validating your idea
Chapter overview
The added value of rBooks
rBook features: overview and which to choose
Creating links
The sidebar
Implementing the sidebar
Reference pages
Creating reference pages
Creating embeddings
Creating indents
Spaced repetition
Resources to learn more about spaced repetition
Advanced features
Resources to learn more about advanced features
Exercise: choose which features to implement
Chapter overview
The three formats in which rBooks can be distributed
Which format to choose
Chapter overview
The two approaches to writing rBooks
An overview of the Roam-first approach
Should you use a separate graph?
Writing the rBook-first approach
Editing using the rBooks-first approach
Read it out loud
An overview of the eBook-first approach
Writing and editing (with the eBook-first approach)
Converting to rBook formats
Exporting to the JSON format
Sharing as read-only
Exporting to RoamReads
Styling overview
CSS in Roam
CSS and your readers
My CSS code
Linking (overview and how much)
Linking pages
Link tables
Reference pages
Using my template
Downloading the template
Importing the template
Publishing overview
Publishing on Gumroad
Payments and invoicing
Publishing your rBook on Gumroad
Pricing on Gumroad
Gumroad affiliates
Publishing on RoamReads
Marketing overview
Marketing timeline
The landing page
Launch day
The roadmap
Download the roadmap
Aftermath and conclusions
My contacts
More than 2h30 of videos explaining how to design, structure, write, market, and publish your first rBook.
My editable template, to use as a base for your rBook.
A roadmap and a few exercises for you to start your rBook.
Luca Dellanna
This course assumes that you have a very basic knowledge of Roam Research (you already have a Roam account and know how to write basic notes). That said, it will show and explain how to use most features relevant to Roam Books, and how to import and export templates and manuscripts.
This course has been self-recorded in front of my laptop. Do not expect movie-quality video and audio.
This course assumes you already know what to write your Roam Book about. It starts with you having an idea and guides you to outlining, writing, editing, marketing and publishing it BUT it does not cover how to come up with the idea or how to research it.
This course does not cover how to write a Roam Book collaboratively.
Choose whether to add a 1h one-on-one consulting videocall with Luca
The online course
Course + 1h call with Luca